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Research - Overview

The research work of SwissSTES is structured into 10 subprojects, each with a different focus but strongly interlinked among eacxh other.​


SP1 and SP2 start with underground characterization and identification of potential STES sites and spatio-techno economic analysis to identify opportunities and trade-offs. SP2 is strongly interlinked with SP3 by delivering non-technical boundary conditions, developing a multi-criteria approach and defining search criteria for the GIS analysis. ​


Identified STES sites and potentials (SP1, SP2) are highly relevant for SP4–SP7, treating large-scale, sensible STES from a technical perspective. Detailed analysis of specific technologies is considered and performance predictions along with potential technical innovations are investigated for performance optimization. This again closely interacts with SP10, providing regional case studies and real settings considering existing or future district heating infrastructure. There is thus a cross-fertilization between a detailed performance analysis (SP4–SP7) and the real-world boundary conditions (SP10, SP3). SP8 and SP9 act as an extension of SP4–SP7, exploring alternative, lower TRL STES technologies for large and small (building) scale. The figure shows an example of the transdisciplinary workflow and the interactions between subprojects. 


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