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Subproject 2

GIS-based assessment of STES and renewable energy generation at the national local level

Novelty of the solution of the subproject 

The novelty of SP2 consists in

i. creating different archetypes of STES solutions (WP1) and using a GIS framework to determine the STES potential at national or local level
ii. conducting workshops and surveys a) to obtain tacit STES-related knowledge and experience and b) to critically assess STES potentials using a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis (WP2)
iii. filling remaining data gaps on renewable energy supply for STES assessment (WP3) after having made full use of DeCarbCH, EDGE and other projects
iv. pre-assessing the potentials for different storage options and their integration in the sites included in SP10 (WP4)

SP2 leads to a powerful toolbox which will significantly help planning at local, regional and potentially national level. The first-stage purpose toolbox, which includes a spatial multi-criteria analysis logic, enables novel insights into the technical, economic and environmental aspects (e.g., CO2 emissions and constraints, natural reserves and groundwater protection areas).

Objectives of the subproject 


  • Close any remaining gaps on renewable energysupply for thermal energy renewable energy

  • Provide a Switzerland-wide GIS tool for contextualized technical assessments of STES, allowing to identify opportunities at national level and at the local level. 


  • Indicate, based on national analysis, local hotspots for economically viable heat storage for different geographical scopes (e.g., canton or city)


  • Support the energy transition by providing relevant science-based information to planners, policy makers and civil society.


  • ​Assess environmental impacts while accounting for environmental constraints ​

Research partners

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